Content warning: This list references sexual assault, racism and violence.
For many of us, the months since COVID-19 started have marked new hobbies and the rekindling of old ones: sourdough making, knitting, and actually READING again?!
Over the past few weeks, the Soapbox community has been reflecting on the books that have changed our perspectives. Some of these are old, some are new, some are short stories, some are disturbingly dystopian. The one thing these 22 books have in common: they've all left a mark on us and are inspiring us to do more. Unlike most climate change and social justice book lists, we've included a whole lot of fiction and fun. They also include reads that will make you a better person — even if they don't directly touch on climate and social justice, they're on the list if they can help you think about the world in a more intentional way.
We've included 22 books for 2022. Mark your calendars — it's less than 2 a month!
Before we get started with our book recs, a quick tip:
We have not included Amazon links to these books. If you're not already aware of Libby, check it out: you can get books for FREE as long as you have a library card. Libby supports e-readers like Kindle as well as audiobooks. If you're trying to buy, not rent, try Indiebound to support independent book stores. Better yet, use this book list as an excuse to get some fresh air, stroll/bike/bus to your nearest local bookstore, and make your picks.
Let's get started!
Thanks to Soapbox members and readers Adelaida C., Alex H., Alex R., Alyssa B., Ben M., Matt H., Gabrielle N., James R., Laneen W., Ruhi S., and Zlato F. for your recommendations included on this list!
That's a wrap for our recs, but if you're thirsting for more, one of our Soapbox members recommended Emma Fanning's sustainable reading list of 60+ books.
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