At Soapbox Project, our methodology for determining the "best" eco-friendly gifts isn't to just point you to cute sustainable fashion and call it a day. Our mission is to help you fight climate change in ways that are fun and convenient for you, so our holiday gift guide helps you and your friends and family make lasting lifestyle changes.
Everything on the list below is a tool, product, or experience that helps with long-term, impactful changes. The best way to be sustainable is to stop buying stuff, so we're helping you:
Also, we don't condone companies who exploit workers and our earth, so none of our hyperlinks will take you to Amazon.
This is how we've organized our gift guide. There are 10 gifts in each section:
One final note before we get started: each week through our Changeletter, we send you bite-sized action plans to fight climate change. Each email is informative, fun, and actionable. Joining us is the easiest way to do your part for the earth and you can sign up below. Hope to see you soon!
Bonus: Last but not least, as a gift to me, tell your family about Changeletter, our 3-minute climate newsletter. You can join us below. We give you fun, easy, fact-packed ways to be more sustainable. Just like this gift guide!
Get our free bite-sized climate action plans before you go!